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5 Strange & Weird Laws from Around the World


Human society is full of rules and laws. All these laws tell us what we should do and what must not do to live peacefully within society. These social boundaries are created by humans that’s why they may contain inconsistencies, errors, and ambiguities.

Do you know some countries have bizarre and strange laws and rules for their citizens? Let’s explore 5 strange and weird laws from around the world that will astonish you.

1)    Smile Law in Milan, Italy

Let’s start happily with the “Happy Law’ of Milan City, Italy. No doubt, it is not an actual law. However, it is a strict local regulation that everyone in Milan must smile when they are outside their home. Furthermore, the authorities think that this regulation is enhancing the positivity and happiness in the city atmosphere.

On the other side, it is prohibited to smile in hospitals and funerals. Additionally, you can’t smile in front of people suffering from any serious disease.

2)    It’s illegal to Forget Your Wife’s Birthday, in Samoa.

It’s alarming news for all those gentlemen who used to forget their wives’ birthdays. You must upgrade your memory software and try to remember your wife’s birthday. God knows when your country or city announces a rule like Samoa.

Yes, in Samoa, it is illegal to forget your wife’s birthday. It is a subject of punishment there. The first offense may be a warning and if you continue doing this then the punishment maybe severe.

So, gentlemen, try to set reminders in your mobile calendar. No one will know that the calendar is reminding you through a loud alarm or you remember the special day of the birthday of your beloved wife by yourself. The choice is yours, gentlemen.

3)    Anti-Chewing Gum Regulation In Singapore

No one can say that he doesn’t know about Singapore. Singapore is one of the most developed countries in the world. However, it also has a strange law that states “It is illegal to consume chewing gum in Singapore.

A reason behind this “Anti-chewing gum regulation’ is to enhance the level of cleanliness. In addition to this, this law also saves a large amount of money that the government uses to remove gums from sidewalks.

4)    Vote or Pay Fine in Egypt

Most of the countries don’t force their people to vote during the election. However, in Egypt, it is compulsory to cast your vote. If you are not going to cast your vote then you have to pay a fine. Therefore, if you are an Egyptian citizen then it is must to vote to select your favorite candidate.

5)    Rude Gestures & Harsh Words Are Prohibited

The UAE and Kenya rules prohibit use of the offensive rude gestures and swearing. Moreover, it is illegal to use harsh and insulting words during anger in public places. Therefore, you must not use any rude gesture as well as your tongue at a time of anger. Otherwise, be ready to visit a jail or pay a fine generously.

Black Holes are Growing Mysteriously| Here is One Clue In 2024 Research

Black holes are growing mysteriously
Black holes are growing

The growth of supermassive black holes is raising several questions for the global astronomers. How do they grow so big? This is the main question that is disturbing astronomers and space researchers’ communities.

Furthermore, a team of international astronomers found a powerful magnetic rotating wind in their latest research, 2024. They believe that this rotation of magnetic wind is responsible for the growth of black holes. Researchers are saying that this swirling wind activity is associated with both the birth of new stars and the growth of black holes.

No doubt that nearly most galaxies have a black hole in the middle of them. Scientists and astronomers are trying to find a clue to their mysterious growth. To explore this mystery, a team of scientists from Northwestern University and Chalmers tried to study a nearby galaxy ESO320-G030. No doubt, it is a very active galaxy and produces stars very rapidly.

Susanne Aalto, Professor of Radio Astronomy at Chalmers University of Technology said:

“Since this galaxy is very luminous in the infrared, telescopes can resolve striking details in its center. We wanted to measure light from molecules carried by winds from the galaxy’s core, hoping to trace how the winds are launched by a growing, or soon-to-be-growing, supermassive black hole. By using ALMA, we were able to study light from behind thick layers of dust and gas.”

Additionally, Susanne Aalto said:

“We can see how the winds form a spiraling structure, billowing out from the galaxy’s center. When we measured the rotation, mass, and velocity of the material flowing outwards, we were surprised to find that we could rule out many explanations for the power of the wind, star formation for example. Instead, the flow outwards may be powered by the inflow of gas and seems to be held together by magnetic fields.”

All scientists of this research team think that black holes are growing due to this spiraling powerful magnetic wind.

Mark Gorski, a professor at Northwestern University shared his observation about black holes through these words:

“It is well-established that stars in the first stages of their evolution grow with the help of rotating winds accelerated by magnetic fields, just like the wind in this galaxy. Our observations show that supermassive black holes and tiny stars can grow by similar processes but on very different scales.”

However, the space scientists want to study this phenomenon in more detail. Also, they want to explore that is this discovery is the right answer to solve this mystery of black holes’ growth. Due to this reason, they want to explore other galaxies to see how common this phenomenon is.

Mark Gorski also said:

“Far from all questions about this process are answered. In our observations, we see clear evidence of a rotating wind that helps regulate the growth of the galaxy’s central black hole. Now that we know what to look for, the next step is to find out how common a phenomenon is. And if this is a stage that all galaxies with supermassive black holes go through, what happens to them next?”

Let’s see what else scientists will find in their future research to reveal the mystery of black hole growth.


  • M. D. Gorski, S. Aalto, S. König, C. F. Wethers, C. Yang, S. Muller, K. Onishi, M. Sato, N. Falstad, J. G. Mangum, S. T. Linden, F. Combes, S. Martín, M. Imanishi, K. Wada, L. Barcos-Muñoz, F. Stanley, S. García-Burillo, P. P. van der Werf, A. S. Evans, C. Henkel, S. Viti, N. Harada, T. Díaz-Santos, J. S. Gallagher, E. González-Alfonso. A spectacular galactic scale magnetohydrodynamic powered wind in ESO 320-G030. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2024; 684: L11 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348821

Solved: How to Activate Microsoft Office on Mac

microsoft office for mac

This is an extra effort we put on this method to help peoples on the globe. We are going to share a working way to use Microsoft office on any macOS. But you have to follow the instructions.


Do remember, it is not an official activation from Microsoft. If you want Official activation Microsoft, then buy it and support the Manufacturer for their struggle to develop it. This is a tested workaround but if and if you make damage to your files or system, we dont accept it.

First of all, uninstall any Microsoft office app you have installed. if you dont know how to uninstall Microsoft Office. There are two main ways to remove an application on macOS, depending on where the application came from:

  1. Removing apps downloaded from the App Store:
    • Open Launchpad. You can find it in your Dock or by opening it from your Applications folder.
    • Click and hold the app icon you want to remove until the icons start shaking.
    • An “X” will appear in the top left corner of the app icon. Click on the “X”.
    • A confirmation window will pop up. Click “Delete” to confirm.
  2. Removing apps downloaded from outside the App Store:
    • Open Finder.
    • Navigate to the Applications folder. You can find it in the sidebar of any Finder window.
    • Find the app you want to remove and select it.
    • You can then do any of the following to move the app to the Trash:
      • Drag the app to the Trash bin in your Dock.
      • Select the app and choose “File” > “Move to Trash” from the menu bar.
      • Select the app and press Command-Delete (⌘⌫) on your keyboard.
    • Empty the Trash to permanently remove the application.

Note: Some applications downloaded from outside the App Store may include their own uninstaller. In this case, you may find the uninstaller within the application itself or in the application’s folder within Applications.

By following above steps, you can easily remove unwanted applications from your Mac.

Now Let Start the installation journey.

Step 1: Download the Office 2019 Volume License 16.27.0 from https://macadmins.software/. or from the official link from Microsoft. Dont download any other version. if you did so, then the Microsoft Office will failed to activate and you will lose your time. To make thing ease, simply search on the webpage for this specific version and download the full suite. Full suite mean the bundle of applications. because there are each application available separately. its up to your choice.

When download complete, open it from download folder and install it. Installation process may take about 5 minutes, we tested this on MacBook Air 2017 ( GB 256GB SSD and core i5 processor).

Step 2: Download the Microsoft_Office_2019_VL_Serializer.pkg and install it. Installation of this package will require your permissions to install and the user and password on prompt window and hit okay. When it complete then open any Microsoft Office Product like, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, and others if did not skip any on customizing option screen. Your product is fully activated.

Dont try to bind it with your Microsoft Account, because that may cause the problem.

Note that Office2019 DO NOT support activate via simple copy/paste plist license file which is the simplest way to activate Office 2016. Fortunately, you can also use the VL Serializer tool, just install Office 2019 and Serializer, then run Serializer to activate. therefore we are skipping this now the old way. if there is any issue with the activation. leave your comment. we will try to help you with that.

Why You Should Stop Touching Your Face and How to Do It

Stop Touching Your Face

Touching your face is a common habit that most of us do unconsciously. You may rub your eyes, scratch your nose, or rest your chin on your hand without even noticing. However, this seemingly harmless habit can have serious consequences for your health and your skin. Here are some reasons why you should stop touching your face and how to do it.

Touching your face can spread germs and cause infections

Your hands are constantly in contact with various surfaces and objects that may harbor germs, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. When you touch your face, you can transfer these germs to your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, which are the main entry points for infections. This can increase your risk of getting sick, especially during cold and flu season or during a pandemic.

Some of the diseases that can be transmitted by touching your face include:

  • The common cold
  • The flu
  • COVID-19
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection)
  • Streptococcus pyogenes (strep throat)
  • Herpes simplex virus (cold sores)
  • Acne
  • Impetigo
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis

To prevent the spread of germs and infections, you should wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. You should also avoid touching your face as much as possible, especially when your hands are dirty or when you are sick or around someone who is sick.

Touching your face can damage your skin and cause premature aging

Touching your face can also harm your skin and make you look older than you are. When you touch your face, you can:

Touching your face is a common but harmful habit that can affect your health and your skin. By following the tips above, you can stop touching your face and enjoy the benefits of having a cleaner, healthier, and younger-looking skin.

Image Credits: BNS
  1. Clog your pores and cause acne breakouts
    • Irritate your skin and cause inflammation, redness, and sensitivity
  2. Transfer dirt, oil, and makeup to your skin and cause dullness and uneven tone
  3. Introduce bacteria and fungi to your skin and cause infections and inflammation
  4. Scratch your skin and cause wounds, scars, and pigmentation
  5. Stretch your skin and cause wrinkles and sagging

To protect your skin and maintain its health and beauty, you should follow a regular skincare routine that suits your skin type and needs. You should also use gentle and non-comedogenic products that do not clog your pores or irritate your skin. You should also avoid touching your face as much as possible, especially when you have acne, wounds, or other skin conditions.

How to stop touching your face

Touching your face is a common but harmful habit that can affect your health and your skin. By following the tips below, you can stop touching your face and enjoy the benefits of having a cleaner, healthier, and younger-looking skin.

  1. Identify the triggers and situations that make you touch your face, such as stress, boredom, anxiety, fatigue, or hunger. Try to avoid or cope with these triggers in healthy ways, such as breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, hobbies, or snacks.
  2. Keep your hands busy and occupied with something else, such as a stress ball, a fidget toy, a pen, or a bracelet. This can help you divert your attention and energy from touching your face.
  3. Use reminders and cues to help you become more aware of touching your face, such as a wristband, a ring, a sticker, or a note. You can also ask someone to remind you or point out when you touch your face, or use an app or a device that can track and alert you of your face-touching behavior.
  4. Reward yourself and celebrate your progress when you manage to reduce or stop touching your face. You can treat yourself to something you enjoy, such as a movie, a book, a game, or a dessert. You can also share your achievements with your friends, family, or online community and get support and encouragement from them.

What is a difference between ChatGPT and Bard?

ChatGPT VS Bard AI

ChatGPT and Bard are both large language models (LLMs) with impressive capabilities, but they do have some key differences:

Underlying Technology:

  • ChatGPT: Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 models, focusing on text generation and creativity.
  • Bard: Currently powered by Google AI’s LaMDA and Gemini Pro models, with a focus on factual accuracy and reasoning alongside creativity.


  • ChatGPT: Excels in creative writing, generating different writing styles and formats like poems, code, scripts, etc. Can also paraphrase and summarize text effectively.
  • Bard: Better at factual accuracy and research tasks, with access to real-time information and the ability to retrieve images from the web. Can also simplify complex topics and generate different response formats to suit user needs.

User Experience:

  • ChatGPT: Offers a mobile app with back-and-forth voice dialogue, making it interactive and engaging.
  • Bard: Integrates seamlessly with Google apps and allows direct export of conversations, improving workflow and organization.

Overall Approach:

  • ChatGPT: Leans towards a more free-flowing, conversational style, prioritizing engaging storytelling and creative outputs.
  • Bard: Focuses on factual accuracy and reliable information, aiming to be a research assistant and knowledge tool alongside its creative capabilities.

Here’s a quick table summarizing the key differences:

Underlying TechnologyOpenAI GPT-3/GPT-3.5Google AI LaMDA/Gemini Pro
StrengthsCreative writing, text generation, summarizationCreative writing, text generation, summarization
User ExperienceMobile app with voice dialogueIntegrates with Google apps, conversation export
Overall ApproachConversational, storytelling-focusedFact-based, knowledge-driven

Ultimately, the “better” LLM depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you prioritize creative writing and engaging dialogues, ChatGPT might be a good fit. If you need a research assistant with accurate information and a focus on factual grounding, Bard is a strong contender.

I hope this clarifies the differences between ChatGPT and Bard. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions. let us know in the comment box

Exploring the 8 Different Types of Gold Coins: An In-Depth Analysis

types of gold coins
Different types of gold coins showing in the picture, the image is copyrighted by Watchmarketonline.com

Gold coins have a rich and fascinating history that spans across centuries and civilizations. The first known gold coins were minted in the kingdom of Lydia, in modern-day Turkey, around 600 BC. These early coins, known as electrum coins, were a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. They were stamped with a lion’s head, a symbol of the Lydian king. The use of gold coins as a medium of exchange quickly spread to ancient Greece, Rome, and eventually throughout the known world.

In the Middle Ages, gold coins continued to play a significant role in commerce. The Byzantine Empire, for example, issued solidus, a gold coin that was widely accepted across Europe and the Mediterranean. During the Renaissance, the Italian city-states minted florins and ducats, while England introduced the noble, followed by the angel, the crown, and the guinea. The discovery of the New World in the 15th century led to a massive influx of gold into Europe, resulting in the minting of large numbers of gold coins. This rich history of gold coins reflects the enduring value of gold and its central role in global trade and economy.

1. American Eagle Gold Coins: These are official gold bullion coins of the United States. They were first released by the United States Mint in 1986. They are available in four sizes: 1 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, and 1/10 oz.

2. Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Coins: These are official bullion coins of Canada, first released in 1979 by the Royal Canadian Mint. The coin is known for its .9999 fine gold purity.

3. South African Krugerrand: This is one of the oldest and most recognizable gold coins in the world, first minted in 1967. The Krugerrand was the first gold coin to contain exactly one ounce of fine gold.

4. British Gold Sovereign: This coin, first minted in 1817, is one of the oldest and most historically significant coins still being produced today. It contains .2354 ounces of gold.

5. Australian Kangaroo Gold Coins: These coins are minted by the Perth Mint in Australia and are known for their high-quality .9999 fine gold. The design changes annually, always featuring a kangaroo, Australia’s most famous marsupial.

6. Chinese Gold Panda: These coins are produced by the People’s Republic of China, with the first minting in 1982. The design changes annually and always features a panda, a symbol of China.

7. Austrian Philharmonic Gold Coins: These coins are minted by the Austrian Mint in Vienna and were first introduced in 1989. The design features various instruments from the Vienna Philharmonic, one of the finest orchestras in the world.

8. Swiss Vreneli Gold Coins: These are Switzerland’s most popular gold coins, minted between 1897 and 1936. The design features a female head (Vreneli) on the obverse and the Swiss shield surrounded by oak leaves on the reverse.

Each of these coins has its own unique history and design, and they are all highly sought after by collectors and investors alike.

Shirt Hacks for Travelers: How to Pack Light and Look Great on the Go

Shirt Hacks for Travelers

Traveling can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences, but it can also be a major source of stress and frustration. One of the biggest challenges that travelers face is figuring out how to pack light while still looking great. The key to solving this problem is to focus on versatile and durable clothing items that can be easily mixed and matched to create a variety of different looks. One of the best options for travelers is the humble t-shirt. 

At the time of packing for a trip

When it comes to packing for a trip, it’s essential to choose versatile clothing items that can be easily mixed and matched to create different looks. T-shirts are a staple item for any traveler’s wardrobe, as they are versatile, comfortable, and easy to pack.

Shirts such as Gildan 5000, Hanes, and Fruit of the Loom offer a wide range of t-shirts that are perfect for travel. These shirts are made from durable and comfortable materials that will hold up well during your trip. They come in different colors, styles and fits.

You can find t-shirts with different necklines, such as crew neck, v-neck or scoop neck, and different sleeve lengths, such as short sleeves, long sleeves, or sleeveless. This allows you to choose the t-shirts that best suit your personal style and the activities you’ll be doing on your trip.

Additionally, they can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion, and they can be easily layered to create a variety of different looks. This makes them the perfect choice for any traveler looking to pack light and look great on the go.

When it comes to packing for a trip, it’s essential to focus on clothing items that are not only versatile but also multi-functional. T-shirts are a perfect example of this, as they can be worn in a variety of different ways to suit any occasion. Whether you’re exploring a new city, going for a hike, or attending a fancy event, a t-shirt can be dressed up or down to suit the occasion.

Furthermore, they can be easily layered with other clothing items such as sweaters or jackets to create different looks and styles. They take up minimal space in a suitcase or backpack, making them a great option for travelers who are trying to pack light.

They are also lightweight and easy to carry, making them perfect for long journeys or outdoor activities. In addition, t-shirts are made from various materials such as cotton, polyester, or a blend of the two, which makes them comfortable to wear and easy to care for.

Additionally, neutral colored t-shirts are a great option for travelers because they can be worn with a variety of different bottoms, such as jeans, shorts, or skirts. These shirts also work well with different types of outerwear, such as a blazer or a sweater, which makes them a great option for any type of weather.

Another benefit of choosing neutral colored t-shirts is that they are less likely to show stains or wear and tear, which is a common concern when traveling. This means that they will look great throughout your trip without the need for constant washing or ironing. Overall, neutral colored t-shirts are a great option for travelers who want to pack light and look great on the go. They are versatile, easy to match, and work well in any type of weather, making them a must-have for any traveler’s wardrobe.


In conclusion, packing light and looking great on the go can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. By focusing on versatile, multi-functional, and high-quality clothing items like t-shirts travelers can easily create a variety of different looks while keeping their luggage light and manageable. So, the next time you’re preparing for a trip, remember to pack a few versatile t-shirts to ensure you’re always looking your best, no matter where your journey takes you.




If you want extra cash now is the time to sell gold jewellery, from your tangled chains to earrings found in the back of your jewellery box. The truth is those gold jewellery pieces you never wear could be worth cash in hand.

While the gold prices hover around the $2,000 per ounce mark, it is expected to stay robust throughout 2022. So for you, this is an excellent time to sell unwanted gold jewellery if you are strapped for cash.

what is driving the gold price?

You may find that it is worth something when you have it assessed by a gold buyer. Yet, keep in mind that the gold buyer is not looking for your jewellery pieces but the gold content inside bringing value. Still, what is driving the gold price? Well, in times of crisis, you turn to gold for your stability, increasing the value of the precious metal.

Still, even if the war and other crises settle down, you have different contributing factors that will continue. Hence, if you need to make quick cash, turn your gold bars, rounds, and commemorative gold pieces into cash to yield more now than later.

On the other hand, you might be surprised that you can get a good payout. Many gold sellers predict that the value of gold will double this year. The saying goes that when the stock markets struggle, the precious metals move in the opposite direction.

How you can sell gold jewellery?

So, if the price of gold at about $2,000 sounds good, here is how you can sell gold jewellery. First, gather your gold jewellery pieces and determine the golds worth. Then, categorise each gold piece into the karat marking and weigh the items to calculate a melt value.

If you cannot find the karat marking, visit two local gold buyer shops to see what they will pay for the gold jewellery pieces. Then sell your gold items to the local dealer that offers you a reasonable percentage of the melt value.

The important thing is to get the best price for your gold jewellery. So to find the current gold price check it out online at an institutional seller for the spot price. On the other hand, you can only expect a buyback price below the spot as they need to make a profit.

You can then aim to get between 90% to 95% of the gold spot price selling gold bars and coins and between 70% to 80% of the gold jewellery and other items’ melt value. While you do have two ways to sell precious metals online and to local buyers.

The advantage of selling to local gold buyers is that you get your money fast at the same time as you receive your offer. Doing this is relatively safe compared to trading gold online, where you must wait for up to a week. In addition, the price of gold can change when sending your items per post and receiving the buyback offer.

So, head to a gold dealer that buys gold and other precious metals to have it assessed on the spot to offer you a price based on the amount of gold present.