How Much Does a Tax Advisor Cost on Average?

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What’s one of the biggest tax-related concerns for most people?

It’s figuring out how to save money by maximizing deductions. But there are so many rules and regulations that it can be challenging to know where to start. That’s why we recommend hiring a qualified tax advisor.

A tax advisor will not only help you figure out what you owe but also make sure your company saves as much money as possible on taxes. Their services are cost-effective and affordable. Not convinced yet?

What does a tax advisor cost, and what can they do for you? Read on to find out!

Breakdown of Tax Advisor Cost

Individuals and businesses can benefit from an advisor’s services. For help with personal taxes, you can expect to pay anywhere within the $75-$300 price range.

What will a tax advisor cost if you own a business? Business owners will need more complex services and expect to pay within the $300-$2200 price range. These prices are broad ranges. They will change depending on the exact nature of your tax needs.

It might sound like a lot to spend hundreds or thousands on a tax advisor. But keep in mind, if you don’t know how to avoid overpaying on taxes, you’ll wind up wasting the money instead.

Let’s look at the different tax services that can help you save big time.

Tax Strategy Planning

Tax strategy planning involves developing strategies. For instance, the strategy can include maximizing retirement accounts and life insurance benefits. Additionally, the plan can consist of minimizing taxes on income and estate assets! In other words, an advisor helps you keep more of your money!

Tax Return Preparation

Tax return preparation is the most basic service. It involves the preparation of all federal income tax returns. 

If you’re not familiar with all of the different tax forms, the advisor can walk you through what each form does. You’ll have an expert handling and teaching you about forms such as IRS Form 1040 (individuals), IRS Form 1120, or IRS Form 1120S (for corporations).

Need help with a private letter or some type of advisory ruling? Then you’ll need an advisor. 

Private letter rulings and advisory opinions are not available to individuals and partnerships. Individuals and corporations need their advisors for advice on these matters.

Filing Extensions Automatically

Most outside professionals have tax advisors automatically file extensions when necessary. The extension gives additional time to complete the client’s return. Extensions also ensure that any interest or penalties are not assessed.

Help With Taxes for Employee Benefits

Next, an advisor can help with taxes when it comes to employee benefits. Are you thinking about starting a retirement plan for your business? An outside advisor can help you develop one that meets your needs and those of your employees. 

An outside expert, knowledgeable in employee benefits, can help you design investment options. The option benefits may involve setting up a 401(k), SIMPLE, or SEP-IRA plan. It could also involve reviewing an existing project to identify areas where improvements can be made. 

Using Tax Tips and Tricks

Now you know more about the services behind tax advisor cost and fees. As you can see, tax advisors offer many services that can help you get ahead. 

The prices vary greatly depending on the experience of the advisor and the services you’re receiving. We find advisors very cost-effective, considering how much time and legal trouble they save business owners!

So go ahead and get started on finding your new favorite tax advisor today. Then get more tips with one of our other articles!

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